Aly El-sohby

From the artist
Cairo, Egypt
Categories Sculpture
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Aly  El-sohby
Trending Cairo
Views 424
The works of the artist "Aly El-Sohby" include colored sculpture. He held a number of private (individual) exhibitions in addition to participating in a number of public exhibitions; whose total number would reach up to 25 exhibitions. Sculptural Drawings in the Space" 2004. Colored Sculptural Structures of Young girl" 2004. Holes In The Colored Sculpture'' 2001. Serial and Colored Sculptural tructures'' 1997. The Balance of the Visions in Closed And Opened Space in Colored Sculpture" 1996. [The Colors' Argument In The Three Dimensional Plastic' Egyptian Colored Birds"]1993. Moreover, he obtained many awards, has a good deal of scientific research in the field of modern and contemporary sculpture and participated in a number of scientific conferences.
Cairo, Egypt
2500 $ARS
23" X 12"
From the artist