Denise Hazy

From the artist
Worthing, United Kingdom
Categories PaintingIllustrationOthers
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Denise Hazy
Trending Worthing
Views 542
Denise was born in Hertfordshire, England, in the late 60's. She has always been creative, and at school, she was granted extra options to study art. With her curiosity about life, she has lived and worked abroad, enabling her to experience many different cultures, philosophies and spiritual beliefs. Denise's creativity has increasingly taken many forms: drawing, calligraphy, painting and various crafts. As time has passed, the boundaries between these has become less defined. She has developed her own unique style of calligraphy, which informs much of her practice. Her predominant focus is now abstract (expressionist) painting.
Worthing, United Kingdom
120 £GBP
24" X 18"
From the artist
245 2
Worthing, United Kingdom
380 £GBP
28" X 20"
From the artist