Berra Eris

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İstanbul, Turkey
Catégories PeintureTechniques mixtesDessin
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Berra Eris
Tendances İstanbul
Vues 21 097
I was born in Istanbul 1993, in September the 28th. I could describe my childhood both complicated and enjoyable. I was a child who could perpetuate contrary thoughts and feelings. When I looked back at those days, I realized that the senthesis which had occurred by the dialect of the contrariness. Contributed to my inner world. Yet, then I was not aware of this. I was suffering from the fact that I was not the person who matched with the expectations of the society. I was not into school subjects at all. During lessons I used to find myself drawing. When I was asked what my professionality way going to be, the only answer was “an artist”. When I started high school, I had some drawing lessons beside my school subjects. At the university, I studied graphical design at the faculty of Visual Arts. After that I had some History of Arts classes at Mimar Sinan University. My first experience on Sheffield after the graduation, was to work in an art gallery. Except art, I was really interested in the science of Psychology. I tried to feed my intellectual curiosity by reading articles and books from various sources. Yet, the science of psychology went beyond my intellectual curiosity and mirrored its own reflections on my art. I believe that my being deeply involved with psychology affected my journey to abstract art. Abstract art became the way of expressing my own and my existance in the world. The only way to interpret my existence and the contrast feelings, anxiety, agression and passion which I went through at that moment was to paint on the canvas. My pure, unfiltered and instant feelings… Therefore, I can describe the essence of my art “to stay at the moment”. It is very precious to me to feel that people grasp my instant feelings on my works. Besides, the fact and their knowing that are not alone means so much to me. To sum up art vision into a sentence; “Colours are letters in abstract art; brushstrokes are a way of expressing soul with words and colours.”
İstanbul, Turkey
De l'artiste
İstanbul, Turkey
De l'artiste