John Molenaar

From the artist
Savennières, France
Categories Painting
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John Molenaar
Trending Savennières
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I am am an artiste living in the beautiful Loire Valley in France. Though not classically trained as an artiste, painting is my passion and I paint every day almost without exception. I paint typically on paper and usually with acrylic paint. Recently I have been experiementing with oil pastels over acrylic, extensive knife-work, and 'tableau textile' using elements of tapestry mixed with painting. I would like to say that my art belongs to the school of 'abstarct expressioninsm' but I think it best t just put it out there and see what reaction it gets. I have an extensive catalog of painting documented in three hardboud volumes (which are also for sale!) If you like my work and would ilke to own an original please contact me. I have more than 30 paintings in private collections in the United States and France.
Savennières, France
30" X 24"
From the artist
Savennières, France
675 €EUR
36" X 36"
From the artist