tejinder ladi singh
Ludhiana, India
En galerie
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48" X 48"
Sur demande
he average distance that women in developing countries walk to collect water per day is four miles. Only about .007 percent of the world’s water is available for human use. If the world’s water were put in a 5 litre can, the fresh water available to mankind from rivers, mountains, lakes and underground would be just a table spoon held by a shaking hand. Water, like air, is for all to use. Unfortunately, individual profligacy, like that of the man next door whose water tank overflows for hours, and municipal disinterest is the biggest problem. Let us begin from our own house, stop throwing the ball around, and pledge to conserve water in all practicality, in every single way we can to safeguard our present, our future and leave a healthy, resourceful legacy
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@ Artblr.
Wow , great work ;-)
2016-08-08 06:28:25
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