Stephanie Fonteyn
Miami, United States
En galerie
Art de rue, Figuratif
39" X 39"
2000 USD
This piece was created whilst I was writing my script for a TED talk in 2015 for TEDxZurichWomen. The TEDx theme was momentum and I was invited to speak about my creative process and how I took a leap of faith to follow my dreams after hitting rock bottom. I painted Amelia Earhart because I also ran a creative entertainment during the TEDx event to unite the 200 guests around the theme of momentum. In this activity, the guests had to doodle their ideas about momentum. We filmed a timelapse video of the guests doodling at the event to show the power of the creative momentum. The final masterpiece was reveal on stage after my TEDx talk. This is not the artwork that the guests created. This is a piece that I painted as I had Amelia Earhart and my TEDx script in my head as i scripted, tweaked and rehearsed my public speech by heart. An experience that was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. So I can confirm, that the most effective way to do it, is to do it. As I did it!
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@ Artblr.
We would like to see more artworks ;-) Beautiful
2016-07-22 17:09:55
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