Rosita Herat
Surrey, Canada
En galerie
Sur demande
Wild Asian Tusker – Elephas Maximus I was inspired to do this painting on the basis to all those elephants being killed in Sri Lanka not for poaching but because of human-elephant conflict. An elephant born with tusks is considered to be a blessing or blessing in disguise? Tusks are their teeth the upper incisors. The embedded part has a pulp cavity and the visible ivory part of the tusk is made of dentine with an outer layer of enamel. The tusks are their formidable weapons. This Asian tusker was captured by my friend in a moving vehicle and the photo was not that great so I decided to take only the shape of the body and I decided to do my own composition of this painting with a different background as some usually roam close to the reserve boundaries. I tried to capture an evening setting with the light coming from the right side.
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