O. Yemi Tubi
Dagenham, United Kingdom
Figuratif, Réalisme
30" X 40"
1,850.00 £GBP
Where ever crime against humanity been committed around the world, finger prints of these two “World super power” could be easily detected. Since world war2, USA and Russia have engaged in the battle of supremacy; too scared of each other’s shadows, they are using other nations to fight each other. They broke Germany into East and West Germany before Germany reunification. They used Vietnam War to fight each other, and broke up Korean into North Korea and South Korea. America led war against Iraq in chase of ever elusive weapon of Mass destruction and gave birth to ruinous evil Islamic State, Russian gives Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad licence-to-kill by stopping UN in taking action against Syrian leader for his action of genocide against his own people. The West led by America enticed Ukraine with the offer of financial aid and Russia will not give up Ukraine to the West without a fight. This led to ongoing war in Ukraine which inspired me to do this painting “Ukraine-The Unfortunate Bride”
I chose the image of Yulia Tymoshenko to represent the country of Ukraine and dressed her up as Ukrainian Bride between two warring suitors – President Obama and President Putin. On the right of the painting, President Obama kneeling and proposing to Ukraine- the Bride with engagement ring in his right hand while holding Yulia (Ukraine) hand with his left hand. The left arm of Yulia was ripped off from her body by Putin. The ripped off arm is Crimea and other part of Ukraine that was broken away by Pro-Russian Separatists with the help of Russia. I put arm band of the old USSR on Putin’s arm to reveal Putin’s mindset which is to regain lost glory of the old USSR by taking back all the countries that used to be under USSR.
In the middle ground of the painting are the powerless UN officials that could do nothing than shooting “mouth missiles” and “rhetoric rockets” to Russia for tearing apart Ukraine while the people of Ukraine are being slaughtered.
To have peace in the world, America and Russia have to stop meddling in other countries affairs.
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Ali AlEzzi
2020-12-05 13:45:31
Laura Spatchinsky
really splendid
2020-07-08 17:47:26
O. Yemi Tubi
Thank you Laura. I guess you are from Ukraine with your surname.
2020-07-08 18:29:47
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