Eduardo Bessa
Porto, Portugal
Abstrait, Art contemporain, Expressionnisme, Art populaire, Art de rue
Acrylique, Mediums variés, Huile, Autres
17.7" X 12.2"
Échange accepté
Certificat d'authenticité
520 €EUR
The initial idea was to take advantage of materials and inks that were not being used and to reuse and recycle materials and canvas.
This job was an acrylic palette that I've used since 2000 to do a lot of work and it had a lot of mixed paints.
It is the story of an impossible love is a love destroyed, a disappointment for what I suffered and emotional destruction of self love, love for art already born of art itself and a rain mixed feelings to see the birth of new loves or opportunities. A combination of the abstract and the real of a life where nightmares come true ...
I used epoxy resin and glitter to make it brilliant ...
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