After studying graphic design at art college and university I took design commissions to fund the financial black hole that is playing the drums in a band. Then, kind of out of the blue in 2004 I was given the opportunity to visit Paraguay.
I came to brighten up a children's home with some funky murals...just for two months. Little did I know that Paraguay has a magnetic charm and I'd still be here 13 years and 700 murals later.
With my canvases, unlike many artists who look for new ways to add texture, I look for new ways to remove it. I want the cleanest lines and the minimal brush mark possible (I put this obsession down to years of creating murals and vector illustrations).
I've always loved pop art, particularly the comic book style of Roy Lichtenstein with its striking colors, fun, accessible, familiar imagery and - more importantly to me, with so much dark art out there - it's ability to bring warmth, life and a sense of fun to any space. It's these attributes I try to bring to all my pieces.
Hang a smile on your wall :)