violetta stamou
Edmonton, Canada
16" X 12"
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Call upon her...
The ''Kchacoon'' Goddess
''It is time to re-birth my love'' she said as I gazed into her eyes..;
''I will guide you safely out of the confined warmth you are accustomed to BELOVED. Out of that dark safety and stale air you treasure so much.''
She was reading my mind .... the mind of nonsense.
Aaa, but you do not know what awaits the ones that question what may be behind these walls.
''TRUST'' she said And ''Watchhh''... the unfoldment.
''It is time to rip the soft wall my love'' she said
''and breathe...Breathe in the fresh ether of the infinite...''
''TRUST BELOVED ... you are MAGNIFICENT'' she said ''Explore it all'' ... ''Love it all'' she said ''you can never go wrong... '''
What do you want is yours...
Trust and BREATHE...This is my gift to you ... it is the divine key ... Go beyond the time.... the timeless is the fresh air......
Much love V ... <3 <3 <3
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Joyce Vlne
( )
Hello My Dear My name is Annie Joyce, I have something important which I will love to share with you but not in a public site like this, Could you please contact me direct at ( ) for more detail
2019-08-06 12:44:47
violetta stamou
What is it about
2020-05-04 17:37:04
@ Artblr.
Thank you for sharing your artwork with us. Looking forward to see more.
2018-12-31 13:00:03
violetta stamou
Yes thank you for having me. Happy New Year.
2018-12-31 18:51:06
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