Vincze Géza
Budapest, Hungary
Surrealism, Other styles
73" X 42"
3000 €EUR
Our age is the so called Iron Age, or Kali Yuga by Vedic knowledge, the lowest of all ages, when spirituality disappears, man thinks that he is God, and there is only one value: money. This is the age of dictators (at least XXth century was). The caterpillar symbolises this state, it consumes 50 times its weight every day destroying anything that is green. But each segment of the caterpillar contains a meditating monk getting closer and closer to enlightenment. Our caterpillar eats the grass in a large stadium (which we know since dictator Franko can be used for other things not only sportevents). And the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, which can start ascending out of this dark chaotic mess, tovards the light. It is as if we were at the bottom of a well, and the light comes from above. Some souls can not keep up with the spiritual ascend, and fall back down.
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@ Artblr.
Thank you for sharing your artwork with us. Looking forward to see more.
2018-01-11 07:00:01
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