Raj More
Mumbai, India
Contemporary Art
54''-63'' inchs
My God….
A Real Super hero…..this idea fascinated me from my childhood. I always like this Hanuman persona as a god super hero from my school fancy dress competition to my village Ram leela.I took a hanuman mask from fair and put on my face, running around the whole area where I live and acting like Hanuman. I always wanted to became as Bajarang Bali as god real hero in my mind. But when I migrated from village to urban metro city, my super hero’s also changes day by day. They will talk and play with me from Toy’s, Video games, Sticker, Cartoons film,Tishirts and from my english school dramas. So many thinks can related about a superhero’s in urban metro cities life. Spiderman,Iron,Superman,Hulk,Batman…etc. so many superhero’s coming in this new Contemporary age. How this superhero’s follow the ideology and inspiration from Hanuman, the persona of Hanuman is always over shadow to all superhero’s. Because of that Hanuman is a real god to all superhero’s..
I believes that the true essence of strength is Hanuman. Through my new works, I conjoins the elements of memory, culture, links between rural, urban and global, migration, religion and belief systems all together with an effective glue of strength. The symphony of west-east and related with our current senario. I feel my works strongly recommend new ideas and new vision.
But still I knew that superhero’s and my real hero is God Hanuman…!!!
Raj More
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Ali AlEzzi
2021-04-07 16:46:32
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