Purwanti Puspita
Surabaya, Indonesia
Contemporary Art
29.5" X 19.5"
350 USD
everyone has the same struggle, anxieties and depression, caused from bad past, lack attention, trauma or even mental disorders, i am the one of them, here i paint of this art, for remembered the beauty of our soul (an apple) which is get destroyed by how people treated us, apparently not all people has a good memories in their life, even we all can say easily "forget it", "move on", "everything gonna be ok" but the broken circle always there,
perhaps there are some people learned and then make decision for get better in future, or keep drown into the same nightmares, we have to choose with the small circle, time by time, day by day, learn and learn .. think that life never flat
be positive as much as we could, struggle and barriers always there, and they will made us become stronger (my wish)
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