Luka Chohu
Jos, Nigeria
Mixed Media
36" X 28"
On demand
During election, the people aspiring for certain positions come to our doorsteps, in fine clothes, doing their campaigns, telling us to vote for them. The promise water, food, good roads, free education, free healthcare, employment.
But beneath the nice clothes are holes. They are the shortcomings and fake promises. These leaders are not always good people, and the promises they make are not always what they are in the job for. But we can’t see them at first because they cover them with expensive clothes and sweet promises. It is only after we elect them that we see the holes. Those un-kept promises. No education, no water, roads, healthcare. We still see poverty, inadequate power supply, unemployment. Holes.
After we elect them, the truth about them comes out. We realise that all they wanted was our votes so they could be in power, so they could embezzle money. We realise all they want is for themselves, not for us. That is the politician. This is a daily reality in Nigeria, and it is frustrating.
Now the left side, that is what politicians are supposed to do. They are supposed to defend us, fight crime, protect the nation. They are supposed to help us realize our dreams by giving us at least just the basics – water, food, roads, healthcare, power supply, employment. We need good leaders.
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