Luka Chohu
Jos, Nigeria
Mixed Media
Contemporary Art
27" X 36"
On demand
In this piece I tried to talk about role models. The people at the top above the eyes are like children, standing behind you, watching everything you do. They have your eyes on you, and they see what you have your eyes on. Whatever you do, they take as a lesson. In Nigeria, this especially applies to people in power. In high positions. You are “successful.” Children are looking at what you have your eyes on. On the right side of the work are cowrie shells. These used to be used as currency in Nigeria, before paper money. People in power usually have their eyes on the money. Every child wants to be like the people they see in power. But they example that they are setting is to just focus on getting money. We are all role models. Everything we do influences the people who are looking up to us. It can determine what they become tomorrow. Simply, we have responsibility to live good lives to save them from bad lives. Shi ke nan (that is all).
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