"Dirty Dorian" October 16, 2023
- A Narcissus From The Dead -
Evil influence as delightful theories
A subtle poison penetrating deep within
Degraded over the years yet remained splendid
A wish I made came true keeps up appearances
Beauty is my power and youth what I treasure
Holy sensory pleasures, New Hedonism
A haunting book nurtured me with sinful passions
Jubilant as my portrait bears my own burden
The secret of my heart, the mirror of my soul
A glamorous story of excess and horror
Obsessed with the fateful consequences to come
I fear there's nothing good in me left to save now
Perfume can't cover the putrid smell of my flesh
Music can't ease the cacophony in my head
Jewels can't distract attention from my bloody hands
Embroidery can't hide my loathsome decrepit shape
Inevitable and ferocious sin's payback
Bury me, a narcissus from the dead shall sprout
A nice place where I belong, worthy of my crimes
Left to the Damned to be torn to shreds in the dark.
[ Art and poetry inspired by the great Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" 1890. ]
- SINitiation.
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