Francois Fournier
Sherbrooke, Canada
24" X 48"
1750 USD
Francois Fournier Canadian Impressionist
This painting depicts an early fall scenery along the edge of a forest.
Nature varies itself relentlessly. It is this contact with a persistently changing environment that inspires his creations. By observing the constantly shifting seasons, days, hours, or moods, François Fournier interprets the same area differently every time he returns to it. Each time he revisits a location, nature has renewed itself because light and atmosphere may have changed various physical features and modified curves, colours and textures. The work shown is a 24" x 48" x 1.5" original oil painting on canvas. Fournier is a graduate of Bishop’s University with a Bachelor of Studio Fine Art degree. His work is shown in a number of galleries throughout the Eastern Townships of Quebec and a variety of art shows and exhibitions. His work is also part of private and public collections such as the Loto-Quebec Collection.
Please Note: Paintings are shipped free to any destination.
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Isaura XAvier Campos
Funny this painting reminds me several I saw in France. Aix-en-Provence, the place Cézanne chose to live. He painted 80 times the Mountains of Saint Victoire quite similar to this painting. Love it.
2020-03-20 09:08:19

Seba2tien Demers
2017-05-26 15:45:45
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