Alex Mets
Paris, France
Impressionism, Realism
98" X 77"
1250 €EUR
Acrylics on canvas on one of the most legendary guitarists of the last decades.
Having met Yngwie personally quite a few times and even painted for him a couple of art works back at the 90's I got a glimpse of his personality. He is a gentle romantic honest, dedicated to his art virtuoso that appreciates good art. Upon these elements some more Yngwie Malmsteen paintings will be done and in this one is expressed in a more free excecution the profile of this amazing artist.
Yngwie took the world by storm at the start of the 80's invading the rock world with a unique and of the highest standard of rock guitar playing. Influenced by rock and by baroc and clasical composers his style was described as neoclassical rock, to other Barock and roll.
Yngwie J. Malmsteen's unsurpased virtuosity remainss till today a standard upon others are measured.
The original canvas of this painting, is covered with thick layers of paint and is uneven. Colors are contrasty and though difficult to represented at this scan,are a perfect combination of fire and ice elements.
Enjoy !
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2017-12-02 14:00:01
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